Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Fifth Commandment

Honor your father and your mother. 
Deuteronomy 5:16 NIV

"Pretty Things"

My mother liked red roses,
red lipstick, and red towels,
anything red, actually.

Her pleasure fanned the air with warmth.

Sparkly brooches and scented soaps
cluttered her dresser drawers,
unworn and unused.

Ownership was enough.

Back in the day, she steered a red
farm tractor around mown fields,
tedding hay and singing to the sun:

A-maz-ing grace – how sweet the sound. 

Any pretty thing distracted my mother
from her chapped hands, sunburned skin, 
and aching back:

a hummingbird fluttering around the bee balm.

Now my mother sleeps on white sheets,
lifting her chin like a child
while a nurse bathes her body.

She wanders in a thicket of memories.

See the red geranium
spreading its leafy arms
toward her hospital bed.

Watch my mother close her eyes

while blood fills the needle.

Footnote: My mother passed away on August 22, 2012. I wrote this poem to honor her.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017

A Summer's Blessing

This summer we have hundreds of milkweed plants gracing our gardens. Butterflies and insects of all sorts enjoy the feast. The milkweeds' sweet scent drifts through the open windows, filling the house with lush perfume.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Brown-eyed Susan

Hmmm . . .interesting. Independent streak? Political statement? Environmental? Genetics? God's grace? What do you think?