Attendance: Classes cost money. Get your money's worth by attending class.
Balance: Success requires balancing sleep, work, writing, and play.
Calendar: Mark a calendar to prioritize your time and track assignment due dates.
Dictionary: It’s still your best resource for finding out how to spell words correctly.
Email: Contact your instructor if you must miss class. It’s the polite thing to do.
First drafts: You can fix a first draft, but you can’t revise a blank page.
Goals: Setting a specific goal or two will help you plan where you want to go.
Heart: Write from your heart to create meaning for your audience.
Ideas: Explore your interests.
Jokes: Laugh loud and often.
Knowledge: Write about what you know. Learn about what you don't know.
Listen: What do you hear? Describe a sound using your five senses.
Motivate: Give yourself a reward after completing each assignment.
Notes: Take notes in class. They help at
Open Mind: Keep an open mind during class discussions.
Plagiarism: Don’t.
Quiet: Seek out moments of silence. Breathe.
Read: Approach assignments with your opened mind.
Syllabus: It's your map for the semester.
Tutors: Take advantage of the extra help a tutor can provide.
University policies: Learn them. They will keep you on track and out of trouble.
Visualize success: Yours.
Walk: A brisk walk will clear your head if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
X-rated material: It's not appropriate in academic writing - ever.
Yum-o: Mom is right. Eat your fruits and veggies.
Zero grades: Passing in something is better than passing in nothing.
Brainstorming, drafting, and revision is up to the student. Professors want students to succeed, but students must earn success on the page.
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